'A Mugwort Journey' Columbine Spirit Pothead Bacchus Fate, Purpose, Destiny Tapestry Nepenthes Triple Capricorn Tapestry Mars Vessel The Return Pearl and Pansey Memento Mori Sun Worshipers Held Vessel 'Capricorn Moon Vessel' Carnivorous Venus Broken Vessel Witch's Jar Darlingtonia Heron The Gatekeepers Belladonna The Great Conflict Spring Moon Man Winter Moon Man Autumn Moon Man Summer Moon Man Metamorphosis of the Passionflower Spirit of the Ghostpipe Horsetail Chamomile The Mugwort Seer Bleeding Hearts Nettle Hawthorn Carnivorous The Devil Tarot Wolf Fir Empty Nest Crow Magic Ix Chel's Journey Conception of Dakota The Seeds We Sow Carrots 'Burdock Journey'